What Are DLLs and How to Fix a Missing DLL File Error

DLL files are a library with plenty of code and data. Their primary role is to carry out specific activities in Windows. Various applications use them. While they work like EXE files, they are not executables. Instead, other programs call upon them – sometimes, more software simultaneously.

A missing DLL file is an error that may occur from multiple causes. Maybe you have accidentally deleted it. If this is not the case, you should know that each application tends to modify the file slightly. Some of them may even rename them – at this point, the missing DLL problem kicks in.

Now, how do you fix a missing DLL error?

1. Restart your computer DLLs and Missing DLL File Error

This is the first thing you can try. This is what most experts recommend too. A quick restart will get many problems sorted, and the missing DLL error may also disappear. Sometimes, the problem is cache related, hence the necessity of a reboot.

Some DLLs may affect the capability to restart your computer. It does not mean that you have to leave it running forever. Perform a forced restart, and the problem might be gone.

2. Reinstall the program

You will never get a missing DLL error out of nowhere. The issue occurs when you try to run a program or software runs in the background and needs it – if it is a background program, the error may seem random.

Reinstalling the software is likely to solve the issue. When you reinstall the program requiring the DLL file, it will come with all the files it needs for a smooth application. Whether it is a game or design software, this quick solution will solve the problem quite quickly.

When it comes to games, you are likely to keep the saved files and settings as well, but this is not always a general rule.

3. Download the file

Generally speaking, this solution is not recommended, unless you know precisely who you download DLL files from. Practically, you could download an altered DLL file or perhaps a DLL file infected with a malicious script – malware or viruses.

There are, however, a few reputable websites that will allow you to download the missing DLL files based on the Windows version you have. Files are stock and unaltered – as fresh as when you installed Windows for the first time.

The best part about this solution is the fact that you no longer need to waste time reinstalling the problematic software. Plus, there are no risks to lose your saved games or settings.

4. Update your drivers

Individual drivers may also cause DLL missing errors. You are less likely to update them all the time, primarily if the extras work. For example, you get a new printer, and it seems to work. You edit it and the new alternative works just as well. But not always.

If the driver is too old, it may not be compatible with the device. At this point, the software is looking for an old or outdated DLL file, and it cannot find it. Generally speaking, you should keep your drivers updated regardless of whether the software works or not. Try this idea, and it may solve your issue.

5. Update Windows

This is a time-consuming process that may also cause other problems on the way, so it is the only idea that everyone is trying to avoid. At times, it might be the only solution to get over this problem. Particular updates or changes to your Windows configuration can change, remove or replace DLL files.

When specific programs try to access these DLL files, you get the famous error. Update Windows and see if this solution fixes the problem. The good news is that even if it does not, it will add to the overall health of your operating system.

As a short conclusion, there are a few things you can try to fix the missing DLL error. You might get it sorted after one attempt, or you might need to try a few different things. Downloading files is usually the quickest and most efficient option, but it could also be the riskiest one – stick to a reputable source of DLL files.​

This post was last modified on November 1, 2020 3:21 pm

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