7 Tips on Marketing With Instagram for Small Businesses

When it comes to advertising with social media platforms, Instagram is a reliable option. Here are tips on marketing with Instagram for small businesses. When it comes to advertising with social media platforms, Instagram one of the best options out there.

If you need to connect with your audience through photos and videos and build brand loyalty, marketing with Instagram is a great way to do precisely that. Here are the top 7 tips on how to use Instagram for your small businesses.

1. Set up Your Instagram Business Account

When setting up your account, make sure to sign up with a business email instead of a personal email, so your Instagram profile isn’t linked to your own Facebook account. Pick a username/Instagram handle that is recognizable and easy to find. If your business name is taken, do your best to keep the first part of your business name in your Instagram username.

If you already have an account for your business, first things first, switch to an Instagram business account ASAP if it isn’t already. Switching to a business account is easy, go to your settings and click on “Switch to Business Profile.” That’s it!

The benefits of having a business profile. A business profile includes a contact button on your page that allows followers to get in touch with you, similar to how they would from your website. Instagram’s business profile also allows you to create and publish Instagram ads without using Facebook’s advertising tools.

You will also be given access to Instagram analytics tools called Insights, which lets you view stats about your posts’ reach and impressions. Once you’ve taken the time to go over all of your free business profile tools, start using them to track metrics, and better understand your audience when marketing with Instagram.

2. Use Instagram’s Free Tools

When marketing with Instagram, use their free Insights tool to view all sorts of statistics like engagement data, impressions, and more. Understand who your followers are by viewing a breakdown of their demographics, including information on their location, age, gender, and most active hours.

You’ll also have access to specific insights on your posts for the week that show how many impressions you earned for that period and what your business’s top posts were. Instagram’s Insights are far from generalized.

Marketing with Instagram tools is a great way to understand exactly how users interact with your business’s posts. This free tool will help you get an idea of how users react and interact with your content, so you can adjust your posts to boost engagement.

3. Partner With Influencers

The quickest way to reach potential customers on Instagram is through influencers. Influencers have already built an audience with a large following, and people nowadays look to feeds of influencers they trust when looking for products or services to buy.

If you do your research and partner with the right influencer, you can expose your brand to those users. It is also essential to look for influencers who have followers similar to your target audience/customer.

Authenticity is important, so influencers will most likely only accept a partnership with your business if they know that you offer something their followers will genuinely love.

4. Post Product Teasers

It is the best place to advertise your products. Though, if you are too aggressive and pushy with your Instagram marketing strategy, you will see your follower drop rapidly. Posting product teaser posts is a simple and non-aggressive way to talk about your product and boost excitement without trying too hard.

People are likely to buy something from you when you don’t push them into buying anything and instead tease your audience about products they are interested in. If they don’t buy anything, your business will still benefit from their engagement, like likes or comments or shares with their friends.

5. Create Targeted and Sponsored Ads

A lot of businesses marketing with Instagram use Instagram ads. These ads give brands the ability to reach an even wider audience. Before Instagram had sponsored Ads, only users following your account could view your photos and updates.

Now, businesses can promote their posts and photos to anyone that fits their target audience, followers, or not, to increase their reach further than what was once possible.

6. Use Instagram Stories When Marketing With Instagram

Instagram stories that come in a “slideshow” format and differ from regular Instagram posts. If your goal is generating leads, Instagram Stories is an excellent way to do so.

They’re only able to be viewed for 24 hours, but you can reuse your story. If you’re wondering about photo dimensions for stories versus regular posts, here’s a great guide to Instagram dimensions, so your content always looks its best!

Stories are found at the top of follower timelines, where Instagram users already look daily. You can use Stories to post content that may not be as “high-quality” as regular posts, but are still engaging and tell a story about your company.

You can post content like behind-the-scenes posts or repost content from your customers and share your thanks for supporting your brand. The Instagram stories is an amazing way to engage with your followers and customers.

7. Engage With Your Followers and Customers

Speaking of engaging with your followers and customers, this is our final tip for marketing with Instagram. Engaging your followers and customers strengthens your relationship with them as well as develops trust.

Instagram is the perfect place to do so. Whether you’re replying and liking comments, or sharing posts made by your customers and tagging them, there isn’t a limit to how you can connect with your followers on Instagram’s platform.

Statistics have shown that one of the best ways to build brand loyalty is by better engaging your customers. 44% of customers who had a positive customer engagement experience with a business also said they are willing to return to that same company to buy more from them.

Get Started on Your Instagram Marketing Strategy Today!. It is the best option for advertising using social media platforms.

If you need to connect with your audience through photos and videos and build brand loyalty, marketing with Instagram is a great way to do precisely that.

We hope you found our top seven tips on how to use Instagram for your small businesses helpful. Instagram you enjoyed the post, check out more from our Social Media category!

This post was last modified on September 7, 2020 9:26 pm

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